The Transbordering Laboratory is a project striving to research and map out developments in the bordering twin cities, to find partners and to establish connections between them and to form a lasting network of cultural organisations in these regions. The project was initiated by three artists and cultural practitioners: Miha Kosovel (Slovenia), Michael Kurzwelly (Germany) and Tanel Rander (Estonia), all of whom are active in the border twin cities.
The term "double city" refers to two cities separated by a national border. The initiators believe that a new form of post-national existence is being invented in such spaces. Since life in such places lacks an established legal and institutional framework, it must be invented through practice. Culture and art are especially well-suited to lead such a process.
More on Miha Kosovel: Border Cities as the Laboratory of Europe, Outsider, 2023 laboratory-of-europe/.
The project's first phase consisted of a year-long research visit to various European twin cities in search of future partners. It included an exhibition as part of the Labyrint art festival (Słubice (pl) and Frankfurt (Oder) (de)), as well as the first conference of cultural organisations of the twin cities, also held in the twin city of Frankfurt-Słubice.
The project was funded by the European Cultural Foundation.