The project aims to bring communities in Friuli-Venezia Giulia and the cross-border area closer to themes such as mental health, social inclusion and social well-being. This year marks the fourth edition of this project.
The main objective of the project is to promote change in organizations working in mental health and disability, as well as in local communities, through the arts. The project has already organized a series of meetings, three artistic residencies and workshops involving a diverse group of cultural professionals, artists, local institutions, students and community members.
The exhibition presented works created by the three artists during the workshops and residencies, in collaboration with members of the communities hosting the artists. This year's project was dedicated to exploring the theme of "marginality", understood as "a space of radical possibilities, a space of resistance (...). A space that can offer us the possibility of a completely different perspective, to see, to create, to imagine alternatives and new worlds" (bell hooks, Elogio del Margine. Scrivere al buio, TAMU edizioni, Naples 2021).
Before the opening, we organized an meeting focused on the exchange and dissemination of good practices. It took place from 14.30 to 16.30 at the Xcentre in Nova Gorica (Delpinova ulica 20, 5000 Nova Gorica), an experimental center dedicated to the promotion of creativity, innovation, entrepreneurship, art and education through workshops, meetings, exhibition projects and productive socializing.
Co-production: Etrarte